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Natalie lives with her mother and father in a closed compound. She sneaks her boyfriend in for hot sex… but when a friend from her past appears, she discovers that nothing is the way it seems.
dir. Henri Tisserand, 1 March 2020 • 4096x 2160 • 56 minutes • 4k: 4.8GB • hd: 1.2GB
Alison Rey played her induction wonderfully. It was a little creepy and a lot hot.
It was fantastic!! It looks great and the performances all on point. If this is the level for future videos we will all be very happy indeed :-) Well done all involved!
I also liked how throughout part 1, it's increasingly clear something is off, but it's still kind of up in the air as to what is going on, so that Alison's explanation in part 2 took it in a way I wasn't 100% expecting.
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