He's a great guy once he's had a chance to program you.
All talk, but plenty of action
It's a real education.
Do you hear something?
This title is free for Backstage members.
A one-of-a-kind lost shoot is found!
This title is free for Backstage members.
Eleanor entranced.
This title is free for Backstage members.
There are a few steps you can take…
The trick is to keep recruiting.
What are those strange sounds coming from the lower level?
Just an occupational hazard
A busty young publicist is entranced over the phone by the performer she was hired to promote.
A program disc, and a webcam.
This videogame has a very high score.
Triggered? Fake?
This title is exclusively available to Backstage members.
Eleanor has such a wide range…
A whole new look at Ms Eleanor…
Cut the conversation, just open your mouth…
Suck it and see.
Just because she's lesbian…
It really is very mysterious
It's just a dream, isn't it?
Just because you don't remember, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Who is she? What does she want?
The trick is to keep recruiting.
A pair of Victorian erotic movies.
A guaranteed happy ending.
It's love at first click.
Never turn your back on a chem major. Unless it is to bend over...
A fair trade is no robbery…
She doesn't mean it the way it sounds…
She didn't say what kind of mindlessness…
Rekindling the flame…
Those pesky computer hackers…
A very deep probe...
It's just a fantasy, right?
She has something very important to do…
Just follow the script.
This title is free for Backstage members.
Think about lips…
Just watch the crystal and open your mouth…