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Just an occupational hazard
starring Eleanor Markham and Siannan Haiman.

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Sarah (Siannan Haiman) thinks that her boyfriend may be taking advantage of her, so she seeks out therapist Ellen (Eleanor Markham) to find out. Of course, he is... but Ellen is soon thinking that perhaps Sarah's boyfriend has a point.

dir. Henri Tisserand, 2 July 2017 • 1280x 720 • 31 minutes • download: 1.0GB


Well, as a huge fan of Process - maybe my favorite MCT ever - and with Siannan and Eleanor as probably my favorite MCT regulars, this was a no-brainer for me, no pun intended. Just had to get this and watch it immediately... was not disappointed! I love the switch from their usual character roles, and Eleanor's brainwashed look was great. Nice slow inductions and conditioning scenes, too. And the flashing back to their displaying of each other was a great touch. — Morgenstern from the MCF


Eleanor Markham (exclusive)
Siannan Haiman (exclusive)

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